Historic BnB in North Carolina | Unique Experience of a Green Book Hotel Historic BnB in North Carolina | Unique Experience of a Green Book Hotel

Magnolia House Foundation


Magnolia House

Reigniting communities through living history, one black historic site at a time, for change

Preserving black historic sites, giving it a voice to tell its own story, and reuniting it with their community activating change, youth development, job creation, economic development, and bridging of communitie

Historic Guests of The Historic Magnolia House


The Historic Magnolia House was one of only five hotels that was considered safe for Black travelers between 1955 and 1961 in Greensboro, North Carolina. The Magnolia House was also called the “Magnolia Hotel” and “Magnolia Traveler’s Motel.” We now have digital copies of the Green Book, including the years 1955 to 1961 thanks to the New York Public Library. Today, The Historic Magnolia House is thriving. We offer private and public events, shoe box lunches, Sunday brunch, and so much more. Join us in our goal of rebuilding this historic hotel by attending our programs or donating today.

MAgnolia's Shoebox Meal Education program

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